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New Honors in the Major Program Course for Upper Division Students

Beginning Fall 2014, the Department of Scientific Computing will offer ISC 4971, an Honors in the Major Program course. The Program was developed to encourage undergraduate students to explore their major discipline in greater depth by completing a research or creative project.

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Cheung begins internship at ORNL

On June 9th, SC grad student James Cheung will begin a summer internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee. Cheung will study with Cory Hauck at ORNL’s Computer Science and Mathematics Division at Oak Ridge.

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6th Annual SIAM Student Conference

In anticipation of a host of approaching SIAM meetings, Scientific Computing students Mike Schneier, Rui Gu, Danial Smith, and James Cheung travelled in March to Virginia Tech for the 6th Annual SIAM Student Conference. Schneier, Gu, Smith and Cheung were joined by postdoc Hans-Werner van Wyk and Research Associate John Burkhardt, who once again organized the event.

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Xu selected as visiting scholar in Beijing

Feifei Xu will spend this summer in China as a visiting scholar at the Beijing Computational Science Research Center. Xu plans to work with mathematician Qiang Du researching adaptive mesh refinement for peridynamic models. Established in 2009, the research center carries out fundamental, frontier research with advanced computational approaches in multidisciplinary mixes of mathematics, mechanics, physics, chemistry, materials science, and computational science.

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Grad students participate in Global Game Jam

While most of us were doing our regular weekend activities, grad student Danial Smith was pulling back-to-back all-nighters. On January 24-26, Smith, along with fellow students Michael Conry & Benjamin Crysup , travelled to the Orlando area to design, then program a game at the Global Game Jam. Now in its sixth year, the GGJ is held annually in locations around the world. At the event, game developers convene in distributed locations to create games in a short time span, in this case 48 hours. Smith found out about the event from a couple of sources, including a game engine he uses in a project he is working on with Professor Gordon Erlebacher. “I found out about the Global Game Jam, because I have been using Unity. Unity is a game engine used to develop video games. I noticed they were giving away a professional version of their software for a month as a promotion so people interested in attending and participating in the event could have time to prepare.”

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