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Gu presents vesicle-substrate adhesion research at 33rd SEARCDE

Ph.D. student Rui Gu recently traveled to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville to present his research on vesicle-substrate adhesion at the Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations held September 21 - 22, 2013. In his workshop session, Gu used movies to demonstrate his model, and presented the most recent results of his research on how to solve a vesicle-substrate adhesion problem using two phase field functions. The conference was designed especially to promote education and research in the differential equations by young scholars like Gu, who are invited to present twenty-minute talks on their research.

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Zavala and Crock lead winning NASA Space Apps Team

Scientific Computing students are part of an international competition to inject energy and creativity into finding solutions to global problems

SC grad students Olmo Zavala and Nathan Crock and FSU Researcher Samuel Rustin comprised a winning team in NASA’s International Space Apps Challenge recently held in Tallahassee. The International Space Apps Challenge was held simultaneously in 75 cities across the globe. Zavala, Crock and Rustin’s award places their submission, OpenTiles, into international competition with the winning projects from each of the 75 competing worldwide Space Apps Challenge locations. The Space Apps Challenge took place on April 20-21 at Making Awesome, a Tallahassee Makerspace. Judging the competition were Dr. Greg Boebinger, Director of the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory; Dr. Gordon Erlebacher, FSU Professor of Scientific Computing; and Stephen Thompson, a retired mathematician. The Department of Scientific Computing was an event sponsor.

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K. J. Soda Receives GRC Award

Doctoral student K. James Soda recently received funding to work as a Graduate Research Consultant (GRC) with the undergraduate students in Dennis Slice’s shape analysis class (morphometrics) this spring. The course provides an overview of the theory and practice of shape analysis (skulls, fish, cars, insects, faces, etc.). Soda was selected as one of the first GRCs at FSU.

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SC Shares Multimillion Dollar DOE Award

SC will participate in a multimillion-dollar grant (FSU share $1 million dollars) awarded by the Department of Energy, Office of Science as part of the Mathematical Multifaceted Integrated Capability Centers (MMICCs) program. SC Chair Max Gunzburger will collaborate with researchers from all over the U.S., including the University of Texas at Austin, Colorado State University, Los Alamos National Lab, Oak Ridge National Lab, MIT, and Stanford University.

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Scientific Computing part of NSF 'Big Data' award

Members of the Scientific Computing faculty are key participants in one of the first Big Data Initiative grants awarded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The grant is part of President Obama’s initiative to improve the nation’s ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex collections of digital data and to accelerate the pace of discovery in science and engineering.

The grant will enable FSU to augment the campus network infrastructure by building a private, dedicated campus research path called the NoleNet Express-Lane for use by professors whose research demands an extremely high levels of data transfers and computations.

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