Is there a central website where all federal agencies post open procurement opportunities?
Where can students find more details on Scholarships, Grants, and Fellowships that Accept Applications from Non-US Citizens?
Where can graduate students find info on Thesis, Treatise, Dissertation Clearance Procedures and Deadlines?
Where can undergraduate students find more details on the Center for Undergraduate Research & Academic Engagement (CRE)?
Where can undergraduate students find more details on Financial Information, Tuition, Fees, Aid, Scholarships, and Employment?
Is there a Database to search for Funding and Grant opportunities?
The Community of Science funding search engine, commonly referred to as COS, has recently changed its name to Pivot.
What is the recommended minimum score for the TOEFL and GRE?
For TOEFL a score >80, and for GRE a score >160 makes an application competitive.
How can I get help with Calculus?
Looing for research opportunities (and funding) for undergraduates?
Read about Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)
Read about IDEA Grants (formerly URCAA/MRCE)
What information is needed for the prospectus defense?
Step 1: Complete Ph.D. Committee Form .
Step 2: Complete Ph.D. Result of Prospectus Defense Form *after* defending.
Starting today (May 23, 2016), and until further notice, we will be contributing funds to students going to conferences to give presentations or present posters.
Where can students find career opportunites (internships, fellowships, postdocs, etc.)?
We offer many links/resources for career seeking students here.
Where can students find info on Graduation checks and clearance?
Click here for the College of Arts and Sciences Graduation checks and clearance FAQ.
Where do I go to apply for the scientific computing graduate program?
How can I get help with improving my grammar?