Starting today (May 23, 2016), and until further notice, we will be contributing funds to students going to conferences to give presentations or present posters.


Any student presenting a talk at a conference or similar event is eligible to apply for a $600 travel reimbursement paid from the department. A brief description the presentation along with information regarding the conference/event should be submitted in advance to request travel funds. Funds will only be allocated for oral presentations. Any change, such as giving a poster instead of a presentation, voids the reimbursement.

The $600 award is in addition to any outside sources such as COGS travel grants, although to total amount awarded cannot exceed the cost of travel. Each student is eligible for one travel reimbursement per semester, although exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis in special situations. The student must be enrolled in our program and should be in good academic standing.

Poster Presentations:

Any student presenting a poster at a conference is eligible for a $50 travel reimbursement paid from the department. A copy of the poster being presented should be submitted. If the student chooses to begin paying for travel prior to having their travel authorization request approved the student is not guaranteed to receive any form of reimbursement. The $50 award is in addition to any outside sources such as COGS travel grants. The student must be enrolled in our program and should be in good academic standing.

Gordon Erlebacher
Chair, Department of Scientific Computing

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing