Prospective graduate students - Welcome to the Department of Scientific Computing! We offer Master's and Ph.D. programs, open to students holding a bachelor's degree in mathematical and physical sciences and engineering.

Data Science Applications Follow Standard University Registration Deadlines

For *Computational Science* Degrees

All Master of Science (M.S.) students are self-pay

January 15th, 2025
Ph.D. students with complete applications by this date will be considered for the University's Graduate School fellowships and the Department's TA/RA/Tuition waiver awards.

April 30th, 2025
Deadline for international student admission to the Department. Students with complete applications by this date may also be considered for any possible remaining funding.

July 1st, 2025
Deadline for domestic student admission to the Department. Students with complete applications by this date may also be considered for any possible remaining funding.

The application procedure is the same for all students.

All applicants, please note:
Transcripts are considered official when they are sent from a college or university directly to the Office of Admissions and contain an official seal and signature. Transcripts bearing the statement "Issued to student" or transcripts submitted by the applicant are not considered official.

Application Process

All prospective graduate students need to submit an application to Florida State University (click green button below)

FSU Application Procedure:
  • Complete FSU's Office of Admissions on-line application (Click the "Apply Now!" button).
  • Pay FSU application fee of $30 (check or credit card).
  • Have official GRE scores sent to admissions (school code for Florida State University is 5219. A department code is not required). The official scores must be received directly from the Educational Testing Service by the Office of Admissions.

    NOTE: Please check the Test Scores section of FSU's Graduate Admissions General Information bulliten (click here) for waiver details impacting Master's applicants. Test scores are still required for admission to doctoral programs.

  • Have two unofficial transcripts submitted to the Office of Admissions by every college and university attended.

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if our "Department of Scientific Computing Supplemental Application for Admission" does not appear in your FSU Application Status Checklist under "Forms" within 2 business days.

Students can check their application status here (click blue button below)

Admission requirements

All graduate applicants must satisfy the following FSU admission requirements:

  • Have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  • Be in good standing at the institution of higher learning last attended.
  • Present evidence by official transcripts of a satisfactory prior academic record (at least a 3.0 G.P.A. on a 4.0 scale in all coursework attempted while registered as an upper-division undergraduate student) AND have a minimum ranking of 85 percentile (quantitative) and 50 percentile (verbal) on the Graduate Record Examinations General Test (GRE), under the new scoring system.

    GRE is currently waived for the Master's admission. Test scores are still required for admission to doctoral programs.

  • Be a native English speaker OR pass the TOEFL test (international applicants only).
  • Additional information for incoming international students, including language requirements, can be found at the International Admissions website.
  • Be approved by the Department of Scientific Computing.

NOTE: Students must meet both University and departmental requirements. Click here for details.

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing