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Alumni Focus: Lu's Research Featured

Recent Scientific Computing Ph.D. graduate Dan Lu was selected for a research spotlight in Water Resources Research, an interdisciplinary journal for research in the social and natural sciences of water. Only a small percentage of articles submitted to this prestigious journal are selected for publication, and an even smaller proportion are chosen for the research spotlight. Lu’s article, “Analysis of regression confidence intervals and Bayesian credible intervals for uncertainty quantification,” will be disseminated to the entire geophysics community (domestic and international) through the AGU newsletter.

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DSC Undergrad attends HEDSS Summer School

A DSC undergraduate student attended a two-week high energy density science summer school in Traverse City, Michigan. Ryan Learn was an attendee at the Foundations of High Energy Density Physics summer school at Northwestern Michigan College from August 6th through August 20th. The last time the course was offered in 2004, and Learn was glad for the opportunity to participate.

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Navon receives invitation from Chinese Academy of Sciences

Professor Michael Navon has been invited by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences to attend the IAP-AMCG workshop on ocean modeling. Deputy-Director Jiang Zhu extended the invitation on behalf of the institute. The workshop will take place August 16 – 25, 2012 in Beijing, China.

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Lemmon receives $15,000 GAP Award

SC Assistant Professor Alan Lemmon received one of only six awards through FSU’s biannual Grant Assistance Program (GAP).

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Ming Ye receives DOE Early Career Award

SC Associate Professor Ming Ye has been selected as a 2012 recipient of the Department of Energy Early Career Award for his proposal, Computational Bayesian Framework for Quantification and Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling. Ye was one of only 68 selectees chosen based on peer review of over 850 proposals and the only person selected for the award from FSU.

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