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Smith selected to attend workshop

First year graduate student Aria Smith has been selected to attend the 2014 Graduate Cohort for Women workshop in California. The workshop is presented by the Computer Research Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research. The goal of the workshop is to increase the ranks of senior women in computing by building and mentoring nationwide communities of women during their graduate studies.

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Ye and Crock featured in CPALMS videos

SC Associate Professor Ming Ye and recent alum Nathan Crock were selected to contribute video lessons to the CPALMS website. CPALMS is the State of Florida’s official source for Common Core State Standards information and course descriptions. It provides access to thousands of standards-aligned, free, and high-quality educational resources. CPALMS also provides 16 curriculum planning and professional development apps & tools to help educators effectively implement the standards.

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Grads, undergrads prepare for summer internships

Graduate students Feifei Xu, Ben McLaughlin, David Witman and Rui Gu held a workshop to assist undergraduate students in applying for and obtaining internships this summer. The graduate students discussed their individual experiences with applying for and obtaining internships at corporations and national laboratories. Many internships involve moving to another location, and students often receive housing assistance and a stipend.

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Erlebacher to collaborate on architecture game

Professor Gordon Erlebacher is involved in an interdepartmental collaboration to create an educational game that will increase middle students’ math skills. Along with Fengfeng Ke, an Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology and Learning Systems; Matthew Ventura, Senior Research Scientist; and Kathleen Clark, Associate Professor in the School of Teacher Education, Erlebacher will create Earthquake Rebuild, an open-source, architecture game. The game will challenge players to manage a budget and consider architectural symmetry and balance while rebuilding a virtual city after an earthquake. Dan Smith, a grad student in Scientific Computing, is one of two students who will work on the project.

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