A Multi-GPU, Multi-CPU Implementation of RBF-FD for PDE Solutions


During the last few decades, numerical methods that use collections of radially symmetric, univariate func- tions for approximation have surfaced for PDE solutions. Such functions are referred to as Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) and have been successfully employed in spectral, pseudo-spectral and localized modes. RBF methods are ideal for unstructured or scattered nodes; e.g., node sets generated with centroidal Voronoi tessellation.

One of the newest areas of research leverages RBFs in the calculation of weights for generalized finite difference stencils in a scheme referred to as RBF-FD. RBF-FD ad- dresses a major concern with other RBF methods—namely, ill-conditioning.

The RBF-FD method exhibits a large amount of parallelism, which we target in a multi-CPU, multi-GPU framework for solving 2D and 3D PDEs. To span multiple CPUs and multiple GPUs, an Additive Schwarz domain decomposi- tion method is used to partition the physical domain and distribute work across processors. Each processor then works with a GPU to offload computationally demanding tasks. Since individual RBF-FD stencils may span multiple subdomains, inter-processor communication is required at each iteration.

Details of our implementation, along with case studies solv- ing elliptic and parabolic PDEs using implicit and explicit schemes, are provided. Our end goal is to use this code for Tsunami and other geophysical simulations.

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing