
To add a defense posting, please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Tag articles with the keyword Defenses to show up in this list.

Dissertation Defense - Kevin Ziegler
Dissertation Defense - Pankaj Chouhan
Dissertation Defense - Dorianis Mercedes Perez
Dissertation Defense - Kevin Mueller
Dissertation Defense - Tara Khodaei
Dissertation Defense - Jingze Zhang
Dissertation Defense - Ashley Gannon
Dissertation Defense - David Robinson
Dissertation Defense - Brandon Gusto
Dissertation Defense - Townsend, Alex
Dissertation Defense - Wang, Yang
Masters Defense - Greenwood, Jhamieka
Master's Project Defense - Sharma, Sarthak
Dissertation Defense - Mohebali, Behshad
Dissertation Defense - Shaw, Kyle
Dissertation Defense - Bishnu, Siddhartha
Prospectus Defense - Behshad Mohebali
Prospectus Defense - Tara Khodaei
Prospectus Defense - Marjan Sadeghi
Thesis Defense - Cole Sheridan