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Open House (Spring 2017)

Open House (Free Pizza & Soda)
11AM to 2PM, January 14, 2017
499 Dirac Science Library

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Epidemiology students, faculty attend Eponge Conference

Professor Peter Beerli gave lectures and hands-on tutorials to students who attended the program

A conference and workshop series designed to introduce graduate students and postdocs to the interface between epidemiology and population genetics was held October 3 – 7 at the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in Lima, Peru. This conference is the beginning of long term interactions between the university and the Global Health Institute in Antwerp, Belgium. One strategic goal the organizations hope to achieve is to establish a resident epidemiology program to improve public health in Peru, particularly the Amazon region where malaria and other diseases are widespread. Forty-one students attended the course.

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Quaife presents research at 2016 CCAM

SC Faculty Bryan Quaife Discusses Simulation of a 2D Stokes Equation in Porous Media

Applied mathematician and Scientific Computing faculty Bryan Quaife attended a recent workshop on Fast Direct Solvers. The workshop was organized to exchange ideas on topics related to fast direct solvers, structured matrices, sparsity and data sparsity, structured preconditioning, high performance computing, fast PDE and IE solution, high order discretizations, related applications, and other relevant subjects.

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