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New breast screening technology can spot hidden cancer tumours

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women, accounting for 25 % of all cancer cases worldwide. Much progress has been made in detecting breast tumours, and survival rates are relatively high compared to other forms of cancer.

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Crock to take instructor training

Nathan Crock, a Computational Science doctoral student, has been accepted into the South Big Data Hub Instructor Training at the Georgia Institute of Technology. The training, led by Amy Hodge and Chris Hamm, will take place November 6 -7, 2018 on Georgia Tech’s campus at the Klas Advanced Computing Building.

“One of the main things that I have loved my entire life is teaching and sharing my passions. From very early on I've been organizing workshops and writing blogs and tutorials to communicate ideas that I am passionate about. So when I was offered this opportunity to improve my teaching and communication skills, I eagerly accepted,”

Nathan Crock

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Sockwell wins award at LANL

Chad Sockwell, a Scientific Computing doctoral student, recently won the outstanding poster award at Los Alamos National Laboratory’s student research symposium; his poster was recognized in a meeting that had over 300 entries. Sockwell received the outstanding poster award for his research and presentation in the Earth and Space Sciences category. His research entitled, Exponential Integrator - Krylov Methods for Mimetic Ocean Models, is part of a one year project Sockwell is completing at the lab.

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FSU’s Center for Anchored Phylogenomics changes the way we study evolution

by Zachary Boehm

Alan & Emily Lemmon

Thanks to the development of a specialized gene sampling technique by center co-directors and husband-and-wife Alan and Emily Lemmon, FSU researchers have finally begun to chip away at this conundrum — and in doing so, they just might have helped to change the way that we study evolutionary biology forever.

For decades, the process of generating phylogenies (sprawling evolutionary trees) had been tiresome, time consuming and often prohibitively expensive, with hundreds of thousands of dollars being poured into relatively narrow individual studies.

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