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Slice Research Receives International Spotlight

A study co-authored by Professor Dennis Slice has confirmed through a complex statistical analysis that many people see human facial features in the front end of automobiles and ascribe various personality traits to cars — a modern experience driven by our prehistoric psyches.

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Scientific Computing Hosts International Conference, MMM2008

Florida State University and the Department of Scientific Computing are pleased and excited to host MMM2008, the international Multiscale Materials Modeling conference. MMM is an international conference for materials science scholars and professionals to exchange research findings, examine complex problems, develop innovative theoretical concepts, and address issues of practical application in materials modeling. MMM2008, the fourth occurrence of this progressive and influential conference, will be held at the Tallahassee/Leon County Civic Center October 27 – 31st.

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Reese to Attend AIM, NSF Sponsored Hydrology Workshop

Dr. Jill Reese will attend the American Institute of Mathematics workshop on Derivative-Free Hybrid Optimization Methods for Solving Simulation-Based Problems in Hydrology, October 6-10, 2008. The workshop participants will form an information commons to create and exchange ideas on applying hybrid optimization methods to hydrology problems which exhibit behaviors that often challenge traditional, derivative-based optimization algorithms.

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Faculty to Deliver Conference Keynote in Japan

Professor Michael Navon will be a keynote speaker at the 2008 International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering (ICHE2008) September 8th through 11th in Nagoya, Japan. The conference theme is New Challenges in Hydro-Science and Engineering for Sustainability through Flood Risk, Water Resources & Ecosystem Assessment. Professor Navon's keynote is entitled Reduced Order Modeling of an Adaptive Mesh Ocean Model.

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