SC Ph.D. student Michelle Perry has been selected to attend the European-US HPC Summer School in Dublin, Ireland, June 24-28, 2012. The award was based on Perry’s research which focuses on constructing and optimizing Bayesian Neural Networks and their application to High Energy Physics data. By attending the week-long seminar, Perry will augment her knowledge of her own research area and become better acquainted with other research areas in computational science.

When she returns, Perry plans to create and present a workshop on parallel programming to interested grad students and faculty.

The European-U.S. Summer School on HPC Challenges in Computational Science is a collaborative effort by the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) and the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). 2012 marks the 3rd year for the summer school, which was established to facilitate greater knowledge about high performance computing and its applications in multiple fields of science and engineering, and to foster new collegial friendships and partnerships among the international presenters and attendees.

Perry works with SC Professor Anke Meyer-Baese and Professor Harrison Prosper from the Department of Physics.

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