by TiffanyDavis

Tallahassee Community College welcomed Florida State University to advise current students who are interested in attending FSU after receiving their A.A. degree. Academic advisors from various departments were there to help answer questions about course pre-requisites and admissions requirements.

Students were able to schedule appointments two weeks prior to advising day. Judy Nunez, Director of the Undergraduate Mapping Program said, “The more information or career goals, the better we can accommodate them (students).”

Walk-ins were also welcome, and students were greeted and seen by the appropriate advisors according to their majors. Advisors also answered questions about the major students desired to pursue.

One program that was there to help with questions was the Department of Scientific Computing, an undergraduate interdisciplinary program. Nathan Crock, FSU Scientific Computing student said, “This program bridges the gaps between math, science, and computing coming together to solve real life problems.”

“This Department strives to teach the tools necessary to move from discipline to discipline,” said Gordon Erlebacher, Chairman of the Department of Scientific Computing.

FSU also had a representative from the Panama City campus to answer questions about transferring to that location. This was an informative opportunity for students who want to transfer to FSU.

This story originally appeared in The Talon: The Voice of an Eagle, Tallahassee Community College's newspaper.


Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing