Evan Bollig, Max Gunzburger, Pablo Seleson, Jie Wang, Geoff Womeldorf, Xiaoqiang Wang and Yanzhi Zhang will present their research at the 33rd SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section Conference held April 4th and 5th at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. Scientific Computing’s director, Max Gunzburger will be one of the plenary speakers and Drs. Zhang and X. Wang will each chair a minisymposium; students Bollig, Seleson, J. Wang and Wolmeldorf will present their research.

During the first morning of the conference, Xiaoqiang Wang will chair a minisymposium entitled Centroidal Voroni Tessellation: Algorithms and Applications. Students Jie Wang, Geoff Womeldorf, and Evan Bollig will present their research at this session.

For the Saturday afternoon plenary, Max Gunzburger’s presentation entitled Multiscale Spectral Viscosity Discretization Methods will focus on spectral viscosity models in which only the high-frequency spectral modes are regularized.

On Saturday and Sunday afternoons, Yanzhi Zhang will chair a session on Multiscale Modeling and Simulation for Materials. Zhang, SC student Pablo Seleson and others will present on relevant topics, including Approximations to the Quasicontinuum Method, and Peridynamics as an Upscaling of Molecular Dynamics.

For more information on the conference, including abstracts of the presentations, go to www.math.sc.edu/~siamseas.

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Scientific Computing