There are numerous ways to host your personal website. Here are a few recommended methods:

DSC's public_html Solution

  • or
  1. Change permissions of your home directory
    chmod 0711 ~
  2. Create public_html folder in your home directory
    mkdir ~/public_html
  3. Change permissions of your public_html directory
    chmod 755 ~/public_html
  4. Add content to your public_html (space counts towards your quota)
  5. IMPORTANT: This will likely allow other users in the file system to read files in your home directory. Please manage the permissions accordingly.

Google portals and other web presence hosts

FSU's myWebDAV Solution

  • FSU's myWebDAV Service. Available to all Faculty and Students.
  • If your website is not created yet, please submit a support ticket here,
  • Use WebDAV clients to manage your website: e.g., My Network Places (under Windows) or Connect to Server (on the Mac)

Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing