The Department of Scientific Computing hosts a high resolution stereographic projection system designed to support multidisciplinary scientific visualization in its seminar room located on the 4th floor of Dirac Science Library.  The equipment was acquired in large part thanks to a Major Research Instrumentation grant from the National Science Foundation.

The room can seat approximately 100 people.

DSC Seminar Room Stereo Wall


The SCS seminar room is equipped with a presentation console where a variety of A/V devises can be controlled by using a simple touch panel controller.  The following devises/connections are provided:

  • one windows XP workstation for DVI and stereo displays (full screen resolution is 2480 x 1050)
  • two connections for laptops (one cat5 cable, plus the campus wireless is available)
  • one document camera
  • one DVD/VHS player
  • limited cable TV
  • stereo audio output from the workstation, DVD/VHS player, and cable TV
  • wireless microphone

The following is a picture of the touch panel used to access the available input devises.

Control Panel

A view of the four-high resolution projectors used to illuminate the 17.5' x 7.5' screen. The bottom two projectors are used in 2d mode, while all four are used when the system is in 3d mode. 



Coming soon.


Subject to availability, the seminar room may be booked by non-DSC faculty and staff.

Old Documentation

Download this file (xpo_user_manual.pdf)xpo_user_manual.pdf[XPO user manual]660 kB
Download this file (StereoWallIntro.pdf)StereoWallIntro.pdf[Introduction to the StereoWall]9774 kB
Download this file (Control_Interface_CYVIZ.pdf)Control Interface[Control Interface]85 kB
Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
Phone: (850) 644-1010
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing