A VPN connection will allow you to join our network even when you are working off campus. After you establish a connection, your network communication is securely routed through the VPN sever when communicating with FSU endpoints.

FSU VPN Service Documentation

  1. Login to the FSU-DSC VPN here, https://vpn.fsu.edu/dsc
  2. Use your FSUID and FSUID-password
  3. Click the AnyConnect link in the left-hand menu
  4. Click the Start AnyConnect link in the middle frame
  5. The VPN client will automatically try and detect your operating system
  6. Download & Install the VPN client provided by link
  7. Use the address vpn.fsu.edu/dsc within the client
  8. Enter your FSUID (Username) and FSUID-password (Password) in the VPN client prompt
    • Your FSUID is saved for convenience
    • Passwords will *never* be saved
  9. Done
Dept. of Scientific Computing
Florida State University
400 Dirac Science Library
Tallahassee, FL 32306-4120
© Scientific Computing, Florida State University
Scientific Computing